Advising FAQs

What classes should I take?

What's my advising code?

When can I register?

How do I run a degree progress audit?

How do I register for a waitlisted class?

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about advising at CSU, including registering for classes, planning your weekly schedule, navigating college resources, and what to expect from your advising appointments.

If you can't find your question or need more help, contact the CLA Advising Office at (970) 491-3117 or visit us in Hartshorn 129.

Advising Appointments

Registration and Class Schedules

Academic Standing

Navigating College


More questions?

Call 970-491-3117 or stop by Hartshorn 129 

The main office is open Monday - Friday from 7:45 am - 4:45 pm during the fall and spring semesters and Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm during the summer semester.