Academic Support Center

Welcome to the College of Liberal Arts Academic Advising Center


Academic advising at CSU inspires students to pursue their academic and professional goals.


Guided by CSU’s Principles of Community and the Land-Grant mission of access and equity, we achieve our vision through an integrated community of advisors who engage in intentional, holistic, and relationship-centered interactions to empower all students to navigate their unique paths and foster learning, development and academic success.

Goals and Learning Objectives

Goal 1: Students will understand connections between themselves, their choices, and their experiences at CSU
Goal 2: Students will build reflection, critical thinking, and navigational skills
Goal 3: Students will progress toward their academic and career goals

What are the Liberal Arts?

We offer 19 different majors in the CLA, many of which include concentrations and teacher licensure programs. Whether you are interested in the humanities, social sciences, or visual and performing arts, we will have a program to fit your needs.

What is My First Step?

Whether you are a first semester student or a transfer student, your first step is to attend an orientation specially designed for you. Orientation provides you the opportunity to meet with an academic advisor and get registered for classes, learn more about your major, meet other students, learn about involvement opportunities, CSU tradition and much more.

Not yet admitted to CSU?

You can request more information about CSU admissions here, and Liberal Arts specific information here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Interested in potential Liberal Arts careers?

The College of Liberal Arts prepares future leaders with the help from CSU Career Services. Students and alumni can take advantage of liberal arts-specific career advising, attend job fairs and networking events, and get the help they need to find success after school. You can explore our Liberal Arts Career Page here.

Main Office

RéJean Allen

  • Office Manager of the CLA Academic Support Center


Hartshorn 129

E-Mail Us

Call Us

(970) 491-3117

Visit Us

Hartshorn 129

The main office is open Monday - Friday from 7:45 am - 4:45 pm during the fall and spring semesters.
During the summer semester, the office will be open for in-person assistance from Monday to Thursday, between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. On Fridays, full remote support will be available by contacting the office through email or phone using the information provided above.

Meet Our Team

Our Mission

The College of Liberal Arts Academic Support Center employs a holistic approach to student success that embraces the individual needs of each student within our diverse population. Our staff assists undergraduate students in making a successful transition to university life and in developing well-informed academic, career, and personal goals. We place a strong emphasis on increasing retention and supporting a timely graduation. Essential to this end is the ongoing commitment to our own professional development in the field of academic advising.

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Principles of

The principles of community support the Colorado State University mission and vision of access, research, teaching, service and engagement. A collaborative and vibrant community is a foundation for learning, critical inquiry, and discovery.  Therefore, each member of the CSU community has a responsibility to uphold these principles when engaging with one another and acting on behalf of the university.


We create an nurture inclusive environments and welcome, value and affirm all members of our community, including their various identities, skills, ideas, talents and contributions.


We are accountable for our actions and will act ethically and honestly in all our interactions.


We honor the inherent dignity of all people within an environment where we are committed to freedom of expression, critical discourse, and the advancement of knowledge.


We are responsible, individually and collectively, to give our time, talents, and resources to promote the well-being of each other and the development of our local, regional, and global communities.

Social Justice

We have the right to be treated and the responsibility to treat others with fairness and equity, the duty to challenge prejudice, and to uphold the laws, policies and procedures that promote justice in all respects.

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